May 25, 2023

Ranking Member Takano Exposes Republican Default Cover Up

Press Contact

Libby Carlson

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, released the following statement after joining Democratic Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries in defense of veterans from a Republican-manufactured default during Leader Jeffries’s Weekly Press Conference.   

“House Republicans are attempting to cover up their inability to govern and obfuscate the real task at hand: paying the bills we already owe.  

“During the Default on America Act passage, the Majority created an illegitimate nexus between raising the debt limit, which is about paying America’s already-incurred bills, and the appropriations process. Through this linkage, Republicans are attempting to bully through cuts they can’t even get their Conference to agree to. 

“The dangerous Default on America Act and unserious MilCon/VA appropriations bill pale in comparison to the economy-shattering default Republicans are threatening. Treasury makes payments for VA of $25 billion a month to pay for veterans’ healthcare and benefits, community providers, and veteran-owned small business. All stand to immediately see payments and benefits stop if we default. 

“We don’t get to pick and choose when to fulfill our obligations to our creditors. Raising the debt limit is a Congressional obligation and the responsibility of the Republican majority.  It should not be used as leverage to determine the spending priorities or polices of this Congress, which has always been negotiated by both sides, particularly when it concerns funding for veterans. 

Their threat and refusal to pay America’s bills is simply wrong, unreasonable, and extreme.”